The course is aimed at providing a systematic understanding of the challenges facing by the welfare states in affluent and emerging economies, and of the directions of the transformation of the welfare states around the world in XXI century.
Based on comparative and dynamic perspectives, this course examines the key issues of social policy and challenges toward social development faced by developed and developing countries around the world. It begins with a look at the concept of social risks and the need of welfare as well as the emergence of the idea of welfare state. It briefly discusses the history of welfare states development and their diversity and analyzes that from different theoretical perspectives (functionalism, institutionalism, political economy theories). These analytical tools are then applied to the post-communist and late industrialized welfare states and to the explaining of the future of welfare states in the world in XXI century. The course examines the prospects of convergence of social models in the affluent and emerging economies.
A substantial part of the course is devoted to the analysis of different challenges facing by modern welfare states, including demographic (aging, migration), economic (post-industrial development, globalization) and social (social citizenship, new gender roles, new social risks and the problem of social exclusion) processes. The variety of national answers to these challenges is considered in the light of political and economic theories introduced earlier.
In addition to this macro-perspective of welfare state analysis the course offer a brief look at the micro-level analysis of social policy, including the issues of who pay for social programs, who provide social benefits and services, who benefit from it, and what are the distributional consequences of different social programs.
Students should have a basic knowledge of at least one social science (economics, sociology, political science or demographics) and English. They should be able reading literature on social issues in English.