This interdisciplinary course is designed for bachelors of the 4th year (1-2 modules) and represents the first program in Russia focused on global water challenge, one of the major modern threats. Course`s content and materials for reader were mostly collected and prepared in Harvard University in cooperation with Working Group on Human Rights in Water & Sanitation of Harvard Kennedy School. The course covers wide range of aspects related to global water problem, including international water conflicts and cooperation, international water law, global and regional governance, water economics, integrated water resource management, virtual water trade, water-food-energy-climate nexus etc. Within the course students will prepare an essay, pass a test and a final examination.
There is no formal prerequisites to join the course but students will be expected to have an upper-intermediate or advanced level in English and successfully pass basic courses on world economy and international relations. Profound knowledge in environmental economics are considered as advantages but are not necessary to pass the course succesfully.
As far as there is no specific prerequisites and the course covers a wide range of new topics (most of them is out of standard programm) students will have to put serious efforts in reading and discussion of the provided materials.