Nowadays companies and business people operate in rapidly changing economic environment, many of them do business in countries and cultures different from their own. It force them to think, take decisions and communicate with clear understanding of the main trends and processes which take place on the global level, and consider particular features of the certain countries and markets. All these need serious theoretical grounds, strong analytical and research skills, as well as readiness for continuous learning.
The course “International Corporations in Global Environment” provides an understanding of the general content, factors and driving forces of global environment, gives a clear vision of the role and place of international companies in globalization of the world economy, analyses competition, describes organizational forms and processes, administrative mechanisms, as well as challenges and problems relevant to establishing and maintaining effective global strategies. The Course gives a modern picture of evolution of various forms and formats of international corporations - multinational and transnational companies, as well as non-equity alliances, groups and other agreement-based international entities, becoming popular and influential in changing business environment in last decades.
Sufficient part of the Course analyses directions and forms of international investments, their priorities, instruments and consequences.
All aspects of business activities are presented in the context of revolutionary changes in technologies, mainly in information and communications sectors, that facilitates the process of globalization in many ways. Through modern communications facilities (intranets, extranets, email, videoconferencing, etc.) international corporations are able to keep in touch with far-located subsidiaries, suppliers, and customers, manage and coordinate international ventures and projects. At the same time modern technologies occur to be quite dangerous and questionable accelerating unhealthy virtualization of many sectors of world economy, dissemination of speculative deals, braking rules and trust of international business.
The course explores various issues associated with the globalization, its benefits and contradictions, as well as the relevant challenges for international corporations. A sound focus is made on the problems of corporate social responsibility, trust and leadership in cross-cultural business environment.
The course envisages a sound self-work - student research projects. Projects embrace wide range of topics, providing in-depth exploration of Course Content. Projects are conducted individually or in groups (up to 4 students) with tutoring support of the lecturer.
Duration of the Course - 108 hours, including 28 teaching hours, namely:
-24hours – lectures
-4 hours – research projects’ presentation.
Students self-work - 80 hours.